Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School is an International Sunnah boarding school with Excellent Accreditation for SMP IBS and SMA IBS. SMA IBS has been accredited (Muadalah) by the Islamic University of Madinah. With a holistic, harmony, and exemplary concept, as well as Active Learning and Islamic Character Integrated methods, this school guides students based on the values of the Al Quran and Sunnah, follows technological developments, and competes in the international arena.
Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb.
Every child is intelligent and has different potential, depending on how the educational environment can bring out each child's intelligence. Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School was established to provide guidance to students according to their interests, talents, and intelligence, based on the values of the Al-Quran and Sunnah.
Parents want the best education for their children, and we at Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School are an international standard Sunnah boarding school ready to form a generation with ahlaqul karimah. Al Wafi aims to provide a comprehensive (holistic) and harmonious education and to provide a model or example by integrating various curricula, including diniyah curriculum, national curriculum of Al Quran and Sunnah, science and technology, and life skills that will become the foundation for our students and Muslim generations in general to stand firm and confidently face the challenges of globalization and the complexities of life.
With the boarding school system (Islamic boarding) and supported by professional, dedicated teaching staff, foreign (native) teachers, alumni from the Middle East, and teachers from national universities, we will guide students to receive education at their desired campuses. With a Holistic, Harmony, and Exemplary concept, as well as active learning Islamic character integrated methods, we provide challenging, fun, and integrated education with Islamic values. In addition, we strive to provide learning facilities, dormitories, and other supporting facilities to create a conducive, clean, and comfortable learning environment.
We at Al Wafi IBS believe that the best education cannot be realized without the support of parents and the families of the students. Therefore, communication networks and student information services are one of our priorities. In the current era of information freedom, the role of parents greatly influences the success of students’ education, so the educational goal of forming akhlaqul karimah can be realized.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr Wb.
History of Al Wafi Boarding School
Al Wafi Boarding School was established to meet the needs of the community seeking modern Islamic education of international standards. Al Wafi Boarding School is built on a land area of 3,405 m² with plot number 23.D.I Kohir No. 964, land measurement certificate No. Gs. No. 1186/1977. The groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of SMP and SMA Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School was conducted by the Governor of West Java, Mr. Ahmad Heryawan, on Friday, February 3, 2017. The land on which Al Wafi stands is a waqf land donated by Mrs. Lusmiati Loebis, born in Solo, January 6, 1939, with waqf declaration certificate No. KK.10.01/39/BA.03/82/XI/2011 in front of the Head of the Religious Affairs Office of Tajurhalang District.
SMP Al Wafi is an educational institution under the auspices of the Al-Sudais Foundation of Indonesia, which was founded on December 21, 2016, with the establishment deed No. 12 in front of Notary Eva Junaida, Bachelor of Law. This foundation has been registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and confirmed with letter No. AHU-0046994.AH.01.04. 2016, stating that this foundation is registered under number AHU-0051122.AH.01.12. of 2016 dated December 28, 2016. The Al Sudais Foundation of Indonesia's Al Wafi Boarding School is built on an area of approximately 4 hectares, located relatively close to Jakarta, BSD - Tangerang, and Depok. The location is quite cool and lush. The curriculum development compares the Islamic Holistic curriculum with the Merdeka curriculum and K13 (National Education), modernizing facilities and learning media in the Era of Society 5.0. With the establishment of Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School, it is hoped to contribute to:
- Educating the nation's children, strengthening the spirit of nationalism and patriotism, and solidifying the religious foundation of the youth in accordance with the Al Quran and Sunnah.
- Developing international-standard education in terms of curriculum, professional educators from both domestic and abroad, and modern facilities.
Providing and contributing to the surrounding community,
both in terms of economic welfare and spiritual improvement.
The positive response from the community, with an increase in the number of students and the community's need for modern boarding school-based education, has led the Al Sudais Foundation of Indonesia to currently organize education from SDTQ, SMP ALWAFI IBS, SMA ALWAFI IBS, and the Al Wafi College of Islamic Studies.
Organization Structure of the Foundation
Vision of Al Wafi
“To form a Muslim generation that has high religious awareness and a positive attitude towards globalization by following the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu alaihi wasallam, his companions, and the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah.”
Mission of Al Wafi
- To provide quality education that meets international standards (world-class) based on the Al Quran and Sunnah in accordance with the understanding of the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah.
- To implement an education system based on akhlaqul karimah that is integrated into daily life.
- To produce students who interact nobly with their environment based on the principles of leaderpreneurship.
- To shape the character of students to excel in responding to global changes based on the Al Quran and Sunnah according to the understanding of the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah.
value Al Wafi
International mindset