Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb.
Every child is intelligent and has different potential,
depending on how the educational environment can bring out
each child's intelligence. Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School
was established to provide guidance to students according to
their interests, talents, and intelligence, based on the
values of the Al-Quran and Sunnah.
Parents want the best education for their children, and we at
Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School are an international
standard Sunnah boarding school ready to form a generation
with ahlaqul karimah. Al Wafi aims to provide a comprehensive
(holistic) and harmonious education and to provide a model or
example by integrating various curricula, including diniyah
curriculum, national curriculum of Al Quran and Sunnah,
science and technology, and life skills that will become the
foundation for our students and Muslim generations in general
to stand firm and confidently face the challenges of
globalization and the complexities of life.
With the boarding school system (Islamic boarding) and
supported by professional, dedicated teaching staff, foreign
(native) teachers, alumni from the Middle East, and teachers
from national universities, we will guide students to
receive education at their desired campuses. With a Holistic,
Harmony, and Exemplary concept, as well as active learning
Islamic character integrated methods, we provide challenging,
fun, and integrated education with Islamic values. In
addition, we strive to provide learning facilities, dormitories,
and other supporting facilities to create a conducive,
clean, and comfortable learning environment.
We at Al Wafi IBS believe that the best education cannot be
realized without the support of parents and the families of
the students. Therefore, communication networks and student
information services are one of our priorities. In the current
era of information freedom, the role of parents greatly
influences the success of students’ education, so the
educational goal of forming akhlaqul karimah can be realized.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr Wb.