Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School is an international Sunnah-based Islamic boarding school with Excellent Accreditation for its Middle School (IBS) and High School (IBS) programs. The High School (IBS) has been accredited (Muadalah) by the Islamic University of Madinah. With a holistic, harmonious, and exemplary concept, and the Active Learning and Islamic Character Integrated method, this school guides students based on the values of the Quran and Sunnah, keeping up with technological developments, and competing on an international level.
vision of Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School
“To shape a generation of Muslims who possess a high religious awareness and a positive attitude towards globalization by following the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wa'sallam, his companions, and the scholars of Ahlusunnah.”

Mission of Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School
- Provide high-quality, world-class education based on the Quran and Sunnah according to the understanding of the Salafusshalih.
- Deliver character-based education (akhlaqul kareemah) that is integrated into everyday life.
- Develop students who demonstrate noble conduct in their interactions with the environment, emphasizing leaderpreneurship principles.
- Shape students’ character to excel in responding to global changes, guided by the Quran and Sunnah in accordance with the understanding of the Salaful Ummah.

Al Wafi IBS Boarding School Profile
Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School is a Sunnah-based school that understands each child is talented and has unique intelligence potential, depending on how the educational environment can nurture each child’s abilities.
SDTQ Al Wafi Al Islamy
Developing the Active Learning & Islamic Character Integrated method through learning models such as Talaqqi, Storytelling, Drama, Project Discussions, Role Playing, Case Studies, Research, and Reflection/Muhasabah.
Al Wafi Middle & High School
Shaping a generation of Muslims with high religious awareness and a positive attitude toward globalization, following the example of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his companions, and the scholars of Ahlusunnah wal Jama'ah.
enroll your beloved children
Registration is open for the 2025 - 2026 academic year at Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School, Depok & Bogor, West Java.