Al Wafi High School

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High School Profile

Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School High School is a Sunni Islamic school accredited with an A rating and recognized by the Islamic University of Madinah. Managed by the Al Sudais Indonesia Foundation, the school has graduated six classes of alumni who have been accepted into various state and international universities. Through a curriculum integrating the national "Merdeka" curriculum with religious (dinniyah) studies, supported by comprehensive facilities and character development programs, Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School prepares students to excel academically and lead lives rooted in Islamic values in a globalized world.

High School Building
Vision of Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School High School

To cultivate a generation of Muslims with strong religious awareness and a positive attitude toward globalization, following the guidance of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his companions, and Ahlusunnah scholars.

Mission of Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School High School

  1. Provide quality, world-class education based on the Qur’an and Sunnah according to the understanding of the Salaf as-Salih (righteous predecessors).
  2. Offer character-based education (akhlaq) integrated into daily life.
  3. Develop students who excel in interpersonal relations with leadership and entrepreneurial values.
  4. Shape student character to adapt effectively to global changes based on the Qur’an and Sunnah, as understood by the Salaf as-Salih.
  5. Foster broad perspectives and sensitivity to change.
  6. Instill responsible, trustworthy leadership, and a commitment to caring for nature and the environment.
  7. Equip students with problem-solving skills, independence, creativity, and the ability to develop technology and engage with globalization.
Advantages of Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School High School

  1. Accredited A (Excellent) and recognized by the Islamic University of Madinah (UIM).
  2. Provincial-level Adiwiyata School aiming for national recognition.
  3. Student Character Development Program through Morals and Ethics Classes.
  4. Student Quality Improvement through Extracurriculars, including mandatory activities like Scouting, Red Cross, Martial Arts, Gardening, Culinary Arts, and Fashion Design, as well as elective options.
  5. Global Awareness Program for Students, with overseas opportunities at the Islamic University of Madinah and other international universities.
  6. Quality Enhancement Program with effective learning activities, diagnostic assessments, talent testing, academic and non-academic achievement support, remedial and enrichment programs, the "Reaching My Future" program for Grade 10, and collaboration with tutoring centers.
  7. Teacher Quality Improvement through Teacher Supervision and Training Programs by Balitbang, ILLC, and government-sponsored initiatives.
  8. Arabic and English Language Proficiency Program, including mandatory Arabic and English use and TOEFL preparation with the Language Team.
  9. University Entry Assistance for national, private, and international universities, supported by the Al Wafi BEKAL Bureau and Counseling Services.