Special Study on Etiquette and Morality is Number One with Ustadz Abduh Tuasikal

Pesantren Al Wafi organized a study session for its students and faculty with Ustadz M. Abduh Tuasikal, S.T., M.Sc., under the theme “Etiquette and Morality are Number One” at Campus A, Bogor (January 20, 2024).

Adab Comes Before Knowledge!
The scholars of the past (salaf) placed great importance on the matters of etiquette (adab) and morality (akhlak), guiding their students to study adab before delving into any field of knowledge. Imam Darul Hijrah, Imam Malik, may Allah have mercy on him, once advised a young Quraysh:

تعلم الأدب قبل أن تتعلم العلم
“Learn etiquette before you learn knowledge.”

The event concluded with the presentation of a souvenir by the Foundation Chairman, Ustadz Dr. Marullah Marzuq, M.Ag., LL.M.

Al Wafi Islamic Boarding School (IBS) has its Campus A located at Jl. Arco Bogor and Campus B at Jl. Pengasinan, Kota Depok. On January 20, 2024, it hosted a study on Adab and Ahlak with Ustadz M. Abduh Tuasikal, S.T., M.Sc., who is an alumnus of King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA (2010-2013). This session is part of the educational process specifically for the students of Al Wafi IBS. The event was attended by Dr. Marullah Marzuq, M.Ag., LL.M., who opened the study session alongside other educators and representatives from the parent support group. During this opportunity, Ustadz M. Abduh Tuasikal, S.T, M.Sc. shared several pieces of advice with the audience.

Ustadz M. Abduh began his lecture by praising and expressing gratitude to Allah SWT, as well as sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. He expressed his happiness to visit Pesantren Al Wafi for the first time.

The students showed great enthusiasm for the study on Adab and Ahlak with Ustadz M. Abduh Tuasikal, M.Sc.

Personal Experience and Motivation
In the beginning of his talk, Al Ustadz shared his educational background, noting that he had not attended a pesantren or had a religious educational background like many of the students and teachers present. Despite this, he encouraged everyone to remain enthusiastic about studying religious knowledge, attributing his ability to write numerous books and articles on websites like Rumaysho.Com, which serves as a reference for readers seeking to enhance their understanding of Islam. “I am not from a pesantren, but Alhamdulillah, I have founded and managed a pesantren,” he remarked, evoking laughter and admiration from the audience.

Understanding Akhlak and Adab
Akhlak refers to a person’s natural disposition and character (Al-Khuluq huwa at-thab’u wa as-sajiyah). Though it is not visible to the eye, it plays a crucial role in guiding a person’s actions and speech. If one’s actions are driven by poor moral character (akhlak sayyi’ah), then their demeanor and words will likewise be deficient. Conversely, if one’s actions are motivated by noble morals (akhlak karimah), it will result in commendable actions and speech.

Definition of Adab
When akhlak is understood as a person’s intrinsic character, adab is the expression that emerges from that character. It is merely an external manifestation and not more than that.

From this explanation, we can conclude that akhlak is closely tied to the soul or what resides within a person, while adab relates to physical activities. Furthermore, akhlak possesses an enduring nature that does not change over time, whereas adab can evolve. Therefore, today’s standards of adab may differ tomorrow.

Additionally, akhlak is not affected by place, in contrast to adab, which can be influenced by external factors, making it differ from previous standards of adab.

Ustadz emphasized the need to pay attention to akhlak and adab, following the example of the scholars who prioritize these aspects, as noted by Ibn Mubarak in the book Adab Al ‘Alim wa Al Muta’allim by Syekh Hasyim Asy’ariy:

نحن إلى قليل من الأدب أحوج منا إلى كثير من العلم
“We are in greater need of a little good etiquette than of a lot of knowledge.”

Advice for Students
Al Ustadz then shared several pieces of advice, as written in his book about the etiquette of seeking knowledge for blessings. This book compiles various wisdom from the Ta’limul Muta’allim by Syeikh Burhanuddin Az Zarnuji Al Hanafi. Some key pieces of advice include:

  • Students should seek knowledge with the intention of gaining the pleasure of Allah SWT in both this world and the hereafter (ikhlas).
  • They should strive to eliminate ignorance from themselves and others, revitalize religion, and preserve Islam, as the sustainability of Islam is through knowledge. It is not valid to practice asceticism (zuhud) and piety (taqwa) while remaining ignorant.

Ustadz added that among the etiquettes of seeking knowledge is to prioritize learning the most important subjects first, particularly those related to worshiping Allah, such as Aqidah, the proper methods of ablution (wudhu), prayer, etc.

Choosing Good Companions
Another important piece of advice is to choose friends wisely. A good friend should be serious about studying, cautious of forbidden things, and possess an upright character while striving to understand what they are learning. In contrast, students should avoid friends who are lazy, idle, talk excessively about trivial matters, create chaos, and spread slander.

Honoring Knowledge and Teachers
Finally, Al Ustadz highlighted the importance of respecting knowledge and teachers. He shared a quote from Syekh Al Zarnuzi:

“Know that a student of knowledge will not gain knowledge or benefit from it except by venerating knowledge and its possessors, honoring and respecting teachers.”

Ways to respect teachers include not walking in front of them, not sitting in their seats, not starting conversations near them without permission, avoiding excessive talking in their presence, not asking questions when they are tired, being mindful of time, and patiently waiting outside their door.

Anyone who hurts their teacher’s feelings will not receive blessings from their knowledge, and their knowledge will be of little benefit.

Additionally, to honor knowledge, students should respect books, ensuring they only handle them in a state of purity, never pointing their feet toward them, placing tafsir books above others to honor them, and avoiding placing anything on top of them.

(Team Redaksi / Ustadz Fauzi)

M. Abduh Tuasikal, M.Sc.
Founder of Rumaysho.Com and RemajaIslam.Com, alumnus of Ma’had Al Ilmi Yogyakarta (2003-2005), Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from UGM (2002-2007), Master’s in Chemical Engineering (Specializing in Polymer Engineering) from King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA (2010-2013). He is a student of Syaikh Dr. Sholih bin Fauzan bin ‘Abdillah Al Fauzan, Syaikh Dr. Sa’ad bin Nashir Asy Syatsriy, Syaikh ‘Abdurrahman bin Nashir Al Barrak, Syaikh Sholih bin ‘Abdullah bin Hamad Al ‘Ushoimi, and other scholars. Currently, he is the owner and manager of Pesantren Darush Sholihin in Panggang, Gunungkidul.

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